2014 Pledge Challenge – Top Fundraisers

HEATWAVE Peel Halton 2014 Top Fundraisers
Thanks to all the teams that participated.
We would like to give special recognition to the following teams who raised $1,000
or more in pledges.

The SickKids Believe Award (November Event)
# 1 Overall Pledge Raising Team From "Gerdau Mississauga Metallics" raised $5,090

The SickKids Believe Award (May Event)
# 1 Overall Pledge Raising Team From "Uni-Select Eastern Inc."

The Mark Heese SickKids Believe Award (May Event)
# 2 Overall Pledge Raising Team “Team Hope, Backed by the Pope!”


Bronze Level Fundraisers $1,000 - $1,999

  • Modatek Systems
  • Precision Technologies
  • Canada Life

30 Epic Years - Servin' SickKids

Heatwave for SickKids

Event Office:

Toronto, Ontario,




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